Hi, my name is Lorena Silva. I was born in San Luis, Sonora, Mexico. I crossed the border in the tire compartment of my Dad’s station wagon at age 9. I come from a long-line of driven, hard-working, intelligent, generous people with very little formal education. I was raised in Salinas, California where I graduated from Alisal High School. I received my BA in Sociology from the University of California Santa Barbara, where I also received my teaching credential. I was a 3rd/4th grade teacher for five years before becoming the Coordinator of the California Mini-Corps Program at San José State University. I have been the coordinator of the Mini-Corps Program at Hartnell College for 19 years.
My favorite part of my job is seeing my students grow from young adults to young teachers. My husband, Rubén, and two kids founded the Dream Academy as a way to empower and unite Salinas youth. My greatest source of happiness is seeing my kids trust in God and dancing to life’s beautiful music! I love to dance, cook, travel, and snuggle with my husband and kids!