Of Mexican descent from the highlands of Jalisco, I was born and raised in Castroville, a small farm working community just 7 miles north of Salinas California. Being raised in a migrant farm-working family, I experienced first-hand the barriers to education along with my parents’ frustration trying to navigate an unfamiliar educational system. This experience permeates every aspect of my professional career and allows me to empathize with students and adults of traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds. Throughout my personal and professional life I have maintained a focus on addressing the multiple achievement disparities evidenced in many minority populations. My educational experience includes a bachelor’s degree in sociology from UC Santa Cruz and a Master’s degree in counseling from San Diego State University. As the Director of the High School Equivalency Program (HEP) at Hartnell Community College, I continue to demonstrate my commitment to education and community empowerment. I firmly believe that “the limits of your imagination should serve as the only barrier to your success. “