
Read the moving testimonials from our students, parents, and community members and see how the Dream Academy is impacting their lives.

Esther Martinez

Esther Martinez

Dream Academy 2015-16 & 2017-18
Alisal High School

The Dream Academy has helped me blossom into a new person. It has opened my eyes to the persisting problems we face in our community day to day. It has opened my doors to the infinite career and college options available. I was able to see a whole different aspect of my community when I traveled to New York and Boston. All I can say is that without Dream Academy I would not be the person I am today.

Gisselle Cortez

Gisselle Cortez

Dream Academy 2014-2016
Alisal High School

I’ve been lucky enough to have participated in the Dream Academy for two years. Though both of my parents are farmworkers and I had no idea how I would be able to raise enough money to travel, I was determined to find a way because I knew how much I would grow in this program. Besides the amazing guest speakers and community service we did, we also went to empowering conferences at Stanford University and Google which planted a seed in my mind about the many career opportunities out there for me. I am very blessed to have been part of such a great program like the Academy because it opens your eyes to who you can be and what you can achieve in life. With the skills I gained in this program, I’m now confidently attending the school of my dreams and will be graduating as a first generation student from UCLA in 2020. Thank you Dream Academy!

Dr. Roxanne Ocampo

Dr. Roxanne Ocampo

CEO & Founder, Quetzal Mama
College Admissions Coach / Author / Speaker

The Dream Academy is an exceptional program, significantly impacting the youth of Salinas. This program goes beyond traditional curriculum, and offers valuable experiences rarely offered to marginalized students. Dream Academy students learn how to lead and navigate in various contexts, but they also develop new insight and perspectives concerning their identity and politics, and impact of serving their local community. The Dream Academy is a gem in the Salinas Valley!

Daniel Estrada

Daniel Estrada

Dream Academy 2014-15
Alisal High School

The Dream Academy really opened my eyes and helped me set goals for myself. I had no idea of all the opportunities I was missing out on, simply because I was unaware of them. Mr. Pizarro and the Academy staff give so much of their time and effort to influence as many lives as they can. Witnessing real life success stories from people who were in our situation themselves, not so long ago, really gives you the determination to believe nothing is outside your grasp. This program is about so much more than some field trip, and I hope that students take advantage of the privilege and opportunity that has been offered to them, like I did.

Dr. Cesar Cruz

Dr. César A. Cruz

Harvard University
Co-Founder, HomiesEmpowerment.co

Most teenagers throughout the country are not packed in, in the 100s, inside of a public library on a Saturday morning at 9 am. The Salinas Valley Dream Academy has found a culturally empowering way to bring 1st generation students together, gathered inside a library space, creating real community, as they learn about college and beyond, participate in civic engagement projects, lead and envision a new world being possible. To walk in on a Saturday means you witness hope manifested in the mantra that youth are our present, a gift, and their wisdom is welcomed here. I have been an educator for 23+ years and there are very few spaces like this in the country where dreams are given the real support to manifest into reality. If this means flying 100 youth, 3000 miles away to visit and apply to Harvard, that’s what they do, and so much more. This is a space worth championing every which way.

Annabel Murillo

Annabel Murillo

Dream Academy 2015-16
North Salinas High School
UC Berkeley

The Dream Academy gave me the opportunity to go visit some of the most prestigious universities and hear students’ stories with similar backgrounds as me of how they persisted and accomplished their goal. As a senior in Dream Academy, I was reassured that being a Latina woman going into UC Berkeley and pursuing Law School was not impossible. Looking back now, I realize that community brings forth grit and resilience, characteristics that were strengthened through my involvement in Dream Academy and has helped me through my educational journey. Dream Academy created such a positive experience for me and it is because of this organization that I am most proud to be from Salinas. My one advice to students always, take advantage of every opportunity, because it’s programs like Dream Academy that allow students, as I did, to learn, grow, and be prepared for the journey that awaits!

Martin Mares

Martin Mares

Ivy League Project

The Dream Academy’s vision is one of America’s best stories. It is so encouraging to see a visionary, progressive, and cutting edge organization like the Dream Academy transform lives of first generation students. Your organization should be applauded and recognized throughout the country for transforming lives and providing students an opportunity to Dream BIG!

Gustavo Hernandez

Gustavo Hernandez

Dream Academy 2016-2017
Alisal High School

Being part of the Dream Academy really opened doors to new opportunities to grow as an individual. Aside from hearing motivational speakers and visiting prestigious universities, being part of the program really helped me break out of my inner shell and be open to new experiences. Thanks to this amazing program, I was able to gain new skills and knowledge that I will put into use to further achieve my goals. I am truly thankful for Mr. Pizarro and the entire Academy staff because they put endless effort to have a positive influence on us. The Dream Academy really showed me that no goal is unreachable. It was a true honor!

Adriana Martinez

Adriana Martinez

Director of External Affairs-
Statewide Relations

I have been inspired and amazed by the Dream Academy’s tremendous impact since I started following its work a few years ago. The Dream Academy is perfectly named, as it encourages students to DREAM BIG and apply themselves academically and socially to fulfill those dreams. It motivates students to challenge themselves beyond the classroom, to develop their leadership potential and social consciousness while exploring unfamiliar environments, including top universities across the country. When I think of the Dream Academy, I think of the very students the organization was founded to serve – as they dream, grow and LEAD their community and our country. Bravo Ruben Pizarro and the founding team for dreaming big and motivating our youth to dream big!

Evelyn Navar

Evelyn Navar

Dream Academy 2014-2016
Alisal High School
UC Davis

Being part of the Dream Academy has been completely life changing! I am so thankful for the opportunity to not only travel to Washington D.C. and New York City, but to also learn core leadership and social skills through our meetings and activities. The Dream Academy has provided me with countless opportunities to grow such as attending the Silicon Valley Latino Leadership Summit at Stanford University, the Latinas Think Big Innovation Summit at Google’s Headquarters, and participating in the Ivy League Project. The Academy’s focus on higher education gave me complete confidence that I had the ability to thrive in college and has inspired me to return after college and empower my community, just as I have been empowered!

Luis Alejo

Luis Alejo

Monterey County Supervisor
District 1

Through empowerment, leadership and constant motivation, the Dream Academy has created a path to success for students throughout Monterey County. The Dream Academy has helped shape our next generation of future leaders by surrounding them with educational opportunities and leadership trainings geared toward higher education. I am proud to say that several students from the Dream Academy participated and graduated from my former Young Assemblymembers Program. During my time in the State Assembly, and now as the Monterey County Supervisor for District 1, it continues to be a priority to provide career opportunities for our youth. I applaud the Dream Academy for their continued commitment to offer motivational support for our youth as they work toward their educational goals.

Ivan Paredes

Ivan Paredes

Dream Academy 2015-16
North Salinas High School
UC Irvine

I strongly believe Dream Academy has had a dramatic impact in developing my cultural pride and overall character. I love how Dream Academy focuses not only on making dreams attainable, but it actually makes them a reality. Just as I was, the youth of Salinas is being positively shaped by all the motivational speakers, core activities and overall networking that the Dream Academy offers us. It has set me on a course that is going to allow me to do big things for me and my community!

Jose Antonio Tijerino

Jose Antonio Tijerino

President and CEO
Hispanic Heritage Foundation

The Dream Academy nourishes the aspirations of Salinas youth by providing exposure across the country in education, workforce, leadership, and the rich culture as Americans that we are blessed with. It’s a privilege to be associated with Ruben and his team’s vision and powerful impact. But most of all, I’m inspired by the great promise of the young people who are part of the Dream Academy.

Lizette Carbajal

Lizette Carbajal

Dream Academy 2013-2016
North Salinas High School
Hartnell College

I have been fortunate enough to have been a part of the Dream Academy from 2013-2016 and during that time the most important thing I learned was that the youth have a voice and have power within the community. I strongly believe that through the Dream Academy students and families have come to realize that being involved with the community is truly life changing for both sides. Through community projects and fundraisers that Dream Academy puts on or helps with, young people are able to connect with city leaders, and people throughout the community that believe in them. Through my experience with the Academy, I feel better equipped to fulfill my duties as a young adult and also as a member of this community. Through the Dream Academy the youth and the city connect to help each other grow to our fullest potential.

Berna Maya

Berna Maya

Fiestas Patrias/Salinas Valley LULAC
#2995 Scholarship Coordinator

Salinas Valley LULAC #2995 acknowledges the Dream Academy students for their participation in community events that serve families and children. They are active youth citizens, empowered through their volunteerism, making a difference in their community by getting involved and involving others to transform themselves and their communities through service.

Luis Saldaña

Luis Saldaña

Parent, Madeline and Nathan Saldaña
Dream Academy 2014-2017

My family has been blessed to be part of the Dream Academy for the past 3+ years. It has encouraged my two kids Madeline and Nathan to pursue their full potential by offering them the opportunity to participate in various educational and empowering activities. Most importantly, they have been able to do a great deal of community/volunteer service and give back to the Salinas community. Being part of Dream Academy for my daughter Madeline has created a fire in her, the GANAS, to pursue a higher education and she is currently putting into practice what she learned in the Academy as a student at UC Berkeley. We are looking forward to supporting my son Nathan’s higher education goals with the Dream Academy playing a big role in his decisions and development throughout high school.

Monica Botello

Monica Botello

Dream Academy 2014-16
Salinas High School
Sacramento State University

I was very fortunate to have been part of the Dream Academy for two years. Being a part of the Dream Academy gave me the opportunity not only to travel to the East Coast but also allowed me to meet new people and develop great friendships. It taught and empowered me as a Latina and showed me that following your dreams and pursuing a higher education is possible.

Tony Barrera

Tony Barrera

Salinas City Council Member

The Dream Academy builds strong families by inspiring young people to believe in themselves. They are motivated to seek their potential by getting an education, build community and become confident leaders for a better Salinas.

Raul Carbajal

Raul Carbajal

Parent, Lizette Carbajal
Dream Academy 2013-2016

My daughter Lizette was a Dream Academy student from 2013 to 2016. During those years I saw a significant change in her attitude toward serving others and I witnessed how she came to believe that she could accomplish anything in life that she wanted to. She’s learned to work hard through the fundraising and community service she did with the Academy. She also became more outspoken and empowered through the speakers, team leaders, and trips she took to the various colleges locally and on the East Coast. As a parent, I’ve helped in various activities and have also seen the great change in all the Dream Academy students. I truly believe that we as parents must go out of our way to help our children grow and to design a better future for themselves and our community. Thank you, Dream Academy!

Pastor Jack Alisea

Pastor Jack Alisea

Church of the Rock

Mr. Ruben Pizarro and his team help to open doors of possibilities. I am delighted in seeing the power of encouragement through the Dream Academy! The Dream Academy empowers young people to dream and believe their dreams can be a reality.

Terry Espinoza

Terry Espinoza

Retired Teacher/Coach
Alisal High School Legend

I had the privilege of teaching Salinas youth at ALISAL high school for 36 years. I admire and support the work that the Dream Academy is doing on behalf of our Salinas young people. The Academy routinely challenges our kids to go outside of their comfort zones to experience a variety of educational experiences. These experiences include out of state excursions, field trips to universities, and meetings with local, state, and national lawmakers to learn about and understand how to deal with the issues that face our country. I believe the Academy is doing a fantastic job of preparing Salinas youth to be the movers and shakers of the future.